Call Us: (604) 856-6787

Blueberry Prices

Blueberry Recipies

Blueberry Prices

At Funk’s Blueberry Farm we keep our overhead low to help keep prices affordable for our customers. Be sure to check back here for any prices changes.

U-pick: $1.85/pound
All pickers will be required to purchase buckets from the farm:

  • 4L buckets for $2 each
  • 2 gallon buckets for $3 each

Picked berries:
10 lb box – $28 each
5 lb box – $16 each

Frozen blueberries are available in 10lb boxes for $35.

Picked berries are kept fresh in cold storage. They have been sorted to remove over-ripe and green berries and are ready to eat or store in the freezer for the winter.

**We accept cash, Debit, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover cards.**

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** We will be open for the season in July 2015. The exact opening day will be announced by mid-July. **